Madison Kindergarten Academy
School Improvement Plan
Our Vison: Madison Kindergarten Academy will strive to ensure that each student makes one year or more of growth academically, behaviorally, emotionally, and socially. MKA will teach students how to be responsible for their learning and their actions in a safe, positive, creative, clean environment.
Our Mission: Success for every student, every day.
CSIP Goals for 2021-22
- Proficiency: By 2024, Madison Kindergarten Academy will increase the number of students scoring on or above level by 10% in both reading and mathematics by iReady
- Gap: By 2024, 70% of students with disabilities will be on level in reading as measured by iReady.
- Growth: By 2024, Madison Kindergarten Academy will increase the percentage of students making one or more years growth by 10% in both reading and math as measured by iReady
- Transition: By 2022, Madison Kindergarten Academy will increase the number of students with on-level social emotional behaviors.
- Separate Academic Indicator: By 2024, 80% of Madison Kindergarten Academy students will achieve an on-level writing score in text types and purposes (opinion, narrative, informative/explanatory) as measured by standards-based writing rubrics.
Our Academic Goals:
- 90% of all students will recognize and identify all 52 letters.
- 90% of all students will learn all sounds, including short and long vowels.
- 70% of all students will read independently on a level D or higher.
- 80% of all students will score a composite of 12 or more on AVMR.
- 65% of all students will score at Mid-K designation according to iReady in reading and math
- 80% of all student will score at standard (on level) for writing in text types and purposes
Our Behavior/Social/Emotional Goals:
- 85% of students will be on level for social emotional goals as measured by Class Dojo points.
If you would like to see the complete report please contact